
SESType is officially Freeware (Egoware). This means you are permitted to copy, distribute, republish, this program or any part thereof without paying me anything. It's free. You are not, however, allowed to pretend you wrote it. The Egoware bit means I'd very much like you to email me at to tell me that you are using the program, and what you think of it. I spent a lot of effort over this program, so it would be nice to know that it was worthwhile. I'll acknowledge your email, but I won't try to sell anything to you or advertise at you or try to make you pay for the program. I just want emails to get some feedback and to inflate my ego

Paying me money

Although I don't force you to pay for this version of the program by making it not work properly or only for a short period of time until you pay me, I'm quite happy to accept any money you want to send my way. I have accounts in US Dollars as well as Sterling, and I think I can manage Euros as well. Use this program for a few weeks first, decide whether you think it's worth paying something (say about $10/£6) for, and if it is, Email me to find out where to send the cheque. If it isn't worth paying for, don't pay!

If sending money to Scotland is too much hassle, maybe give money to charity and email me to say you did it. Then I can walk around feeling doubly smug!